About us

Maxim Basyro – The History of Success
The Public Federation of Military Canines is the largest cynological association in Russia, which includes five dog training centers in St. Petersburg and three cynological schools in the United States (California).
Unifying Diversity
All of the dog training units within the Federation of Military Canines work according to the uniform of methodological standards. The practical cynological services of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is organically combined, as well as Maxim Basyro’s own methods for training both dogs and their handlers. With more than 25-years’ experience in the field of practical cynology, Basyro founded the Public Federation of Military Canines to best train dogs.
In addition, the cynological centers of the Federation of Military Canines operating in Russia have developed original unifying methods of elementary education for children and youth in the field of cynology, training and cynological camps, special seminars, conferences, and multi-disciplinary public works projects to improve the overall knowledge of cynological culture within the population.
Who Are We and When Did We Begin?
In 1996, from the youthful enthusiasm of dog training, followed by the practical experience of instructor-cynologist training of service dogs and the personnel learning of cynological units from the frontier troops, an impulse was created within Basyro to create the first cynological center – “Ronald” in St. Petersburg. It was within the Ronald Cynological Center that Basyro began working on creating programs and techniques that later became the theoretical framework for all the educational and training process within the larger organizational framework of the Federation of Military Canines.
Now, 25 years after the first steps in the path of professional cynology – this framework has been expanded many times. In 2016, in St. Petersburg, the fifth center of the Federation was opened with a full range of specialized cynological services, and has already begun expanding significantly within the borders of the Leningrad region.
The Origins of Professionalism
Directly, the Federation of Military Canines was founded in 2007. However, by that time, with the direct participation of Maxim Basyro, as well as the specialists attracted by him, including teachers of cynological faculties of higher educational institutions such as the Federal Security Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, unique programs and methods for specialized courses “Young Cynologists” and “Young Frontier Guards” had already been created. Another development by Basyro included the test program “Saboteur,” which is designed to practically test the working qualities of police and military dogs, while still considering the cynological standards of the special divisions of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
The success of the first Federation in 2007 soon led to the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, “The Role of Cynology in Effective Public Security,” which was organized by Basyro and became a milestone event in the Federation of Military Canines history. The participants of the conference were the heads of cynological divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from more than 30 regions of Russia. With their direct participation, Basyro, the president of the Interregional Public Organization of the Federation of Military Canines, presented methodological training programs, which became the basis of the Federation, specializing in using cynology for practical use. Another important outcome of the conference was the unanimous approval by participants to develop cynological culture as a high priority and component within elementary education for youths.
Dog Training for Public Safety
For more than 10 years, one of the major priorities of the Federation of Military Canines has been educating specialists in cynological security to protect individuals, objects, and territories. The range of services in this area is very wide- from the effective escort of protecting people and the in-depth special training methods for “Bodyguard Dogs,” to the cynological protection of mass events, large industrial construction sites, shopping, and entertainment centers.
The most revealing confirmation of the quality of these service is that the instructors of cynology that have been trained by the Federation of Military Canines since 2011, annually obtain the right to a state contract for the cynological support and protection of the passenger bus station in St. Petersburg. Not only has the Federation of Military Canines helped locations throughout cities, but in the short term, has participated in providing cynological support to several life support facilities in the North-West Federal District of the Russian Federation.
Training Methods of the Federation of Military Canines – A Synthesis of Multi-faceted Cynological Practices
Young cynologists participate in many practical activities. The long-term practice of the Federation of Military Canines gave the impetus to theoretical aspects of cynology and created educational and methodical films “I Am My Dog’s Trainer” and “Bodyguard-Dogs.” These unique videos allow everyone interested in developing their own training skills to master independently the various techniques of the formation of behavioral reactions of dogs. By 2010, all the practical and theoretical developments were successfully applied in all four locations operating at the time in St. Petersburg. Thus, the Federation of Military Canines has now come to explore new stages of its development.
International Breakthrough
2010-2011 was the first-time people from Germany and the United Stated contacted Maxim Basyro with like-minded ideas. The result of his participation in the exchange of experience programs from these countries was the opening in 2011 of the first foreign branch of the Federation of Military Canines – the Masterdog Training School in Los Angeles (USA). Training dog instructors, handlers, and dogs in the American school is carried out with strict observance of the corporate standards of the Federation of Military Canines and is the main component of the success of the California schools.
The dynamically acquired reputation of Maxim Basyro as the “master” of dog training allowed the expansion of the school’s location in 2014 to Beverly Hills. Basyro has attracted instructors and the most successful American students from the first steps in the hiring process. Thus, the cynological techniques developed and practiced by the Federation of Military Canines in St. Petersburg were successfully adapted to American realities. The next stage in the establishment of the Federation of Military Canines over the ocean was the preparatory work that began in 2016 for the opening of the American Dog Training Academy “5 Star K-9 Academy,” to train special dogs and instructors to work with them.
Moving to New Frontiers
The extensive Russian and foreign training practices of the Federation of Military Canines has allowed the structure to rise to a new level of professional growth. The most noticeable result was the program that were developed by the Federation of Military Canines headed by Maxim Basyro in 2015, “Higher Intellectual Development of the Dog.” The first dogs that were prepared according to this program have already been publicly exhibited and received the highest recognition of the leading experts in cynology.
Today, the research and development work in the field of cynology has become a separate and dynamically developing area of activity of the Federation of Military Canines. The main emphasis is analyzing the basic physical characteristics of the dog’s vital activity while it performs the commands of the cynologist. Developments already are available allowing cynologists to better understand the behavior of the dogs, watching the change in their biometric indicators. What is especially important in training, above all, is training service dogs in performing special tasks in the field of security.
This scientific research will make it possible to understand in a more detailed way the internal mechanisms of the dog’s response to natural stimuli, which in turn enables filmmakers to qualitatively and at early stages, identify the characteristics of the dog’s character, take them into account in the training process, and also effectively correct the dog’s performance during the dog’s practical assignments.
The expansion of the international contacts of the Federation of Military Canines, the letters of thanks in the field of public safety, and awards from dog shows – these are the current realities of the Federation of Military Canines, one of the now largest and titled cynological organization in Russia. These realities are the source of a confident view of the future – in which the Federation of Military Canines is determined to ensure the successful development of the accumulated potential for further dynamic growth.